
Before giving the recipe I want to thank the wonderful people without whom this post would not take place. Huge thanks to Irina chelovechestkoe airin from Alma-Ata for the recipe. And no less thanks to Julia Shansa from Minsk for kindly provided for use mantyshnitsu. Girls, I love you!


For the dough:

3 cups flour
1 egg
approximately 0.3 cups ice water

For the filling:

1 kg of pork
500 g pumpkin
500 g onion
0.5 Teaspoon ground cumin (cumin)
Salt and pepper to taste
Pour flour into a large bowl, salt, in the center of recess, hammers and begin to stir the egg, gradually pouring the water. Water may need a little more. Sprinkle flour on the table and we spread the dough from the bowl, begin to knead. First, the dough will be quite steep, but as the mixing becomes elastic and smooth. Form a ball out of it and leave the rest, covering film.
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И еще раз защипываемWe place mantle at the stand so that they (the mantle) did not interact with each other. Set the stand in mantyshnitsu with boiling water, cover with a lid and cook at a strong boil 35-40 minutes.

Served with butter or sour cream.
Bon Appetit!


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