Delicious pumpkin pie

美味的南瓜饼 - 简约宁人 - 宁人的博客
Practice is also delicious pumpkin pie that is not complicated. The best buy in Hainan is also rather sweet pumpkin powder. First pumpkin to pitche thin, with steamer steamed pumpkin pieces into the pot, Daocheng pumpkin mud, still hot mix glutinous rice flour, until you can pack a non-stick hand. Xian Xin can be to their own preferences, you can use red bean paste, you can also pack the rice balls with a variety of Xian Xin, put the dough into small pieces and rub round, then shape into Wowo into Xian Xin, lightly beat bian will be pumpkin pie outside, and then stained with a little sesame taste is also quite good. Heated pan, the next a little oil, switch to small and medium fire, both sides of the pumpkin pie Jianzhi golden can. Sweet Ruannuo, I have done many times over the restaurant to do to be good.美味的南瓜饼 - 简约宁人 - 宁人的博客
And pumpkin is also good nutrition, containing vitamins and pectin, pectin has good adsorption, can be bonded and the elimination of body toxins and other harmful substances of bacteria, such as heavy metals of lead, mercury and radioactive elements, can play a detoxification; the protection of gastric mucosa, to help digestion; pumpkin pectin can also be contained in plastic to protect the stomach mucosa, from the rough foods to stimulate, promote ulcer healing, suitable for patients with gastric disease. Pumpkin contains ingredients can promote bile secretion, to enhance gastric peristalsis, help in food digestion; prevention and treatment of diabetes, lower blood sugar: Pumpkin is rich in cobalt, cobalt can be active in the body's metabolism, promote hematopoietic function, and to participate in the body of vitamin B12 synthesis, human islet cells is necessary for trace elements, prevention and treatment of diabetes, lower blood sugar have a special effect; elimination of carcinogenic substances: pumpkin can eliminate the role of carcinogenic nitrosamines mutations, there are anti-cancer effect, and can help the liver, kidney functional recovery, strengthen the liver, renal cell regeneration capacity; to promote growth and development: Pumpkin is rich in zinc, participation in the human body nucleic acid, protein synthesis, is an inherent component of adrenal cortex hormones for human growth and development of important material. Lots of other good ah!


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