2010 New Year's feast - hot food Fenzheng cup pumpkin

2010新年家宴――热菜粉蒸南瓜盅(转载) - happy.doria - happy.doria的博客
Fen Zheng cup pumpkin


Cut from the top of small pumpkin, pumpkin seeds and capsule digging will be a good package of rice noodles in beef into the pumpkin, the pot can be steamed. Pumpkin absorbed the meat grease, then with the pumpkin flesh sweet, very delicious, but also with pumpkin costumes Fen Zhengrou, put the restaurant can also be used as a beautiful tableware used banquet simple and generous.


The practice is Fen Zheng beef:


Ingredients: Beef 500 grams, 250 grams of rice,

Ingredients: 1 star anise, cinnamon 1 starch 2 tablespoons (about 16 grams), amount of water, garlic and a half head

Seasoning: Rose rot milk 2 tablespoons (about 30 ml), fermented flour paste a spoon (about 15 ml) soy sauce 2 tablespoons soy sauce (about 30 ml), soft white sugar 1 teaspoon (about 3 grams), cooking wine 2 tablespoons (about 30 ml )


1, m tile cleaned one day, completely dry water content (such as the use of disposable meters can also be used directly, but the water wash); garlic chopped garlic.

2, the wok without refueling, directly to a small fire heating, heat, pan and put it into rice, star anise, cinnamon constantly stir fry, saute the rice, and a little change after golden off the fire, will pick out the star anise and pepper thrown .

3, will be a good fried rice a natural cooling, into the mixer and stir in very small granules, stirring note of this when stirring a few seconds pause, the shaking shaking rice, so rice is stirred into a uniform size. Rolling pin can also be used to fry rice a good rolling broken.

4, the blade perpendicular to the texture of beef, the beef cut into small pieces 0.5 cm thick, the pat with the knife blade lax, into the starch, cooking wine, rotten milk, soy sauce, soy sauce, sugar, and a little oil, add garlic mix Yun, preserved for 30 minutes.

5, the mixing of the rice by adding chopped beef, after grasping evenly and slowly into the water, while gently stirring, so that fresh water has been absorbed rice flour, rice flour, such as feeling of wet sand beaches can be.

6, will be wrapped in rice noodles and the meat of a film, a shop in layers spread out flat disk.

7, steamer pour enough water into the tray, in order to fire heating, Kai Guo steam after about 60 minutes, pay attention to whether the steamer during the period will need to add water.


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