
Showing posts from November, 2009

Some method of making pumpkin pie

Pumpkin pie, is to pound pumpkin steamed after smoothing, made little cake, heat the pan in the Jianzhi golden branding for both sides. Can also put some fillings, such as red bean paste, jam and so on. Frying can be. The following collection of delicious Chinese food network pumpkin pie in a variety of production methods for the diners reference.   Production method of a pumpkin pie Food ingredients: pumpkin 250 grams, 250 grams of glutinous rice flour, milk powder 25 grams, sugar 40 grams, Dou Shaxian 50g. Production steps: Wash the pumpkin peel ① slice cage steam cakes, and take the heat add glutinous rice flour, milk powder, white sugar, lard, mix well, kneading, and into the pumpkin pie leather billet. ② twisted round Xianxin red bean paste. Pumpkin pie filling wrapped in blank rub, press into a round cake. ③ edible vegetable oil into the pan until the oil temperature rose to 120 ℃, they can put inside the pumpkin pie on the colander into the deep-fried i